How to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag and not get scammed.
LV is known to be the most counterfeited brand of luxury handbags. Reportedly 90% (!!) of Louis Vuitton bags sold on eBay are fakes. Here are some tips on how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag:
Inspect the Monogram:
The devil's in the details. The real bag never has any parts of the monogram covered by a handle or a stitch plus, authentic LV monograms are impeccably symmetrical. If it looks wonky or cut off, it might be a fake.
Feel the Quality:
Luxuriate in the feel. Authentic LV bags exude top-notch quality. From the smoothness of the leather to the sturdiness of the hardware, it's a tactile affair. Keep in mind that the real leather is usually now perfectly smooth but a little grainy.
Take a look at the font:
Remember to check the fonts of the inside stamps because LV has been using the same font for years. Pay attention to the letter “O” which should be perfectly round as a circle and not oval like "0".
Pay attention to the hardware:
LV hardware is made of brass so is not very light (like plastic). Most Lotus Vuitton bags have D-ring hardware. Also, look for LV logos on the metal parts of the bag.
Check the Stitching:
Precision is key. Louis Vuitton takes pride in its meticulous stitching. If it looks sloppy or uneven, wave goodbye! On classic LV bags, the color of the stitching is usually mustard yellow, it is also perfectly consistent in size and has an even distance in between.
Date Code Detective:
- Every authentic LV bag comes with a date code. Research this code to ensure it matches the manufacturing period and location.
- Remember that LV bags don't come with any authenticity cards.
- Since 1983 LV has used 6-character code stamps. The first two characters are letters (which indicate the place of production) and the rest are numbers (the month and the year of production).
- The company keeps updating their coding and since 2007 the digit code has signified the number of the week in the year when the item was manufactured.
Dust bags:
Remember that LV dust bags (usually an envelope or a string bag) will only have "Louis Vuitton" on "LV" on them - no additional information about the product.
Use AI technology to your advantage:
When in doubt, consult the experts or use AI technology-based apps to check the authenticity of your bag. And when you are ready to buy your designer vintage bag ALWAYS use a trusted reseller - like Ciao Kasia :) Check our authentic Louis Vuitton collection: Louis Vuitton.
Interested in other designer vintage bags? Explore our selection: BAGS.